Welcome home! Regularly scheduled Masses are once again open to the public. Masks will be required. And please arrive early as space is limited. ¡Bienvenido a casa! Las Misas programadas regularmente están nuevamente abiertas al público. Se requerirán máscaras. Y llegue temprano ya que el espacio es limitado.

Priests and religious offer their lives in service to us in the Church. In return we support them with our prayers and gifts. Our own Confirmation Director, Shane Akerman, has been invited to begin priestly formation this summer. But in order to make this possible he needs our financial support. Visit www.opwest.org/shane to make a gift that will allow us to send Shane to the Dominican Order. #vocations #priesthood

Hace 103 años hoy, nuestra Señora de Fátima se apareció por primera vez a los niños pastores. Y su mensaje para el mundo fue este: ¡Recen el Rosario todos los días! .
103 years ago today, our Lady of Fatima first appeared to the shepherd children. and her message for the world was this: Pray the Rosary every day! #fatima #rosary

Archbishop Jose Gomez, who is now president of the US Conference of Catholic Bishops, is inviting all bishops, priests, and lay faithful to be part of the renewal of our consecration to Mary. Friday, May 1, at Noon, the archbishop will consecrate the United States to Mary, Mother of our Church. Let us pray with him!

On this day the Church celebrates the Solemnity of the Annunciation, when Christ our Lord took on human flesh in the womb of the Virgin Mary. We commemorate this mystery of the Incarnation not only today, but every day at the ringing of the Angelus bells at 12 noon and 6pm. If it is not already let this be a new tradition for you and your family. Set a reminder on your phone if need be for this daily prayer, reflecting on our Lord’s humility, and our Lady’s faith. Through her prayers may Christ come into the world through us! #angelus #annunciation #lent

Today (March 19) the Holy Father has asked us to join him in praying five decades of the rosary at 1pm Pacific (9pm in Rome). We are seeking our Lady’s intercession to heal the world of this affliction.

Brothers and sisters, Archbishop Gomez has made the difficult decision to suspend all public Masses. May we accept this time of trial with a penitential spirit; perhaps we will come to value the Holy Sacrifice more during this difficult time. Confessions and Eucharistic adoration remain available. See the Church website for more info from Fr. Gonzalez.
Hermanos y hermanas, el arzobispo Gómez ha tomado la difícil decisión de suspender todas las misas públicas. Que aceptemos este tiempo de prueba con un espíritu penitencial; quizás lleguemos a valorar más el Sacrificio Sagrado durante este momento difícil. Las confesiones y la adoración eucarística siguen disponibles. Consulte el sitio web de la Iglesia para obtener más información del Padre González.

As Lent approaches, please remember that Ash Wednesday is a day of fasting and abstinence. That means no meat, and (at most!) one meal with two small snacks. Christ gave his life for us, we can give up something simple for him. #ashwednesday #lent #fasting